Friday, July 9, 2010

"...on the dry and dusty road...the nights we spent apart alone...I can't sleep and I lay and I think..."

Why is there no clear means of controlling one's perspective? I wonder this because often I have a favorite place, and then one day that place seems dulled, or somehow ruined. Is it possible that these places become so altered?
I have to blame myself, I am the common variable as the places keep changing.
For years I will love a city until the day I decide I have to get out.
Okay-sometimes a situation takes me to a place- like going to University in Bellingham, where I had to make myself love where I was- because I had to be there. So I hunted and I walked and I learned to love even the train that came through at five a.m. I worked the noise of the whistle into the narrative of my movie. I imprinted the view of the mountains and of the bay and of the wonder of being so far North, that the sky would get tinged with bits of the Aurora.
By the time I was leaving though, I had song to commemorate my departure.
I am always trying new hobbies, new places, new, new, new-and yet I dislike change.
I stopped by the reserve in my neighborhood, in the short time Zok and I have lived here, the spaces around the reserve have gotten smaller and smaller, a new warehouse to the North, and expansion of a school to the South. Now with the new 'Kingston bypass' being built I am sure there will be office workers who will be able to see the Platypus from their desk.
As I drove up to the parking area I noticed that the groups of trees were partially burnt-so that the landscape had patches of rusty orange leaves amongst the normal greens of the eucalyptus. I assume this to be 'burning off' for the health of the plants but I can never tell. The trails are fire breaks so the fire could have been stopped there on purpose or by purposeful design.
The reserve looked beaten. I no longer come across small marsupials, and there are less birds each time. The signs of teenage boredom and society have always been around but the warehouses can now be seen from most angles within the area.
I felt let down instead of inspired.
If I am lucky-I may have company in about a little less than sixty days...
I wonder if I could stay in bed until then?


brandi said...

awwww.... i wonder about too about these things. i'm positive the guys at the plastic manufacture down the street get to see the otters in the river more than i do. beautiful post!

Colleen said...

Otters! Near Seattle? What the heck was I wasting my time on?