Saturday, January 9, 2010

"...there were clouds in my coffee..."

I do love an airport lounge.
A civilized haven in a huge mess of chaos.
We are flying fancy to New Zealand because that was all we could get with our points, and the points needed to be used.

We had an 'express' card to go through a different line in customs.
This turned into a bit of a drama, the line wasn't moving very fast, as there was one agent as opposed to the many for the normal line.
This wouldn't have been such a big deal, especially for us, as Zok allows a lot of time at the airport. However, we had a loud dare I say American couple behind us who were very, very, vocal about the line going slowly.

I thought perhaps they were practicing to be on that reality show, because the man kept saying (every ten seconds) "This is the worst mistake we've made in soooooooo long". and "We should have switched lines"!
Of course, he felt too invested to actually switch lines so we had to listen to the both of them for our entire wait, which was maybe ten minutes, fifteen at most but due to the "Dude! This is fucked!" commentary the wait seemed much longer.
I of course, was practicing my impulse control, so I stayed facing forward when I said comments such as "For the love of God, go already." and "Hey Zok, I'll go to the other line and wait longer just to get away from him."

But soon he will be forgotten, we are on our way to New Zealand, and new experience for me, as I have only been in the Auckland airport, where I was intrigued by a tourist shirt that read "Baaaa Baaaa Baaaa Bar".

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